"Brian Hazelton is a superb contractor. His work is beautiful and he explains things clearly. His unique attribute is how well he gets along with people, and how he gets them to work as a team from the owner ,to the workmen he hires, to neighbors and other people who need to be involved. He takes care of dealing with those officials whose permission he needs like building inspectors before the owner even thinks about it. He keeps you informed about costs and tries to keep them as reasonable as possible. He also tells you just where he is on a project. He cares deeply about the safety, and maintenance of the property." |
Barbara Farnsworth
Bookseller West Cornwall, CT 06796 bfbooks@farnsworthbooks.com |
Judie and Joel Grossman"Brian Hazelton, builder and master carpenterBrian Hazelton was the lead carpenter during the building of our house between 2007-2008 in Egremont, MA. We found him and his crew to be passionate about their craft and felt the quality of the workmanship to be as important to him as it was to us. Whenever there was a question about how to proceed, Brian would talk to us about options, always clearly explaining the pros and cons to various choices so that we could make educated decisions along the way. He was fair and informed, a consummate gentleman and a valued advocate for us. We highly recommend Brian without hesitation. " |
M. G. H. Gilliam (Publisher, Orion Magazine)"I am please to write this commendation on behalf of Brian Hazelton, both as a proven builder as well as a competent businessman. He has completed several projects for me and in each instance demonstrated exceptional skills no only as a carpenter, mason and electrician but also with his ability to solve creatively and economically challenges not anticipated when the work began. As important, he has demonstrated a remarkable ability to lead and engage fellow workers and others whose cooperation and support were invaluable to the outcome of the projects. Finally, his knowledge, patience, personal counsel and support have made my association with him both pleasurable and personally rewarding." |